Sunday, May 10, 2015

How I've changed this year.

Looking back on this school year is pretty great. Of course there have been some extremely embarrassing moments and but some pretty great ones too. Every school year is a balancing act of school, friends, and fun, this year more than most. Even though I have failed the balancing act this year, its been a pretty good one.

Pic credit to me
    This year started with a close group of friends and feeling extremely self conscious. Slowly this year has moved and progressed, so have I along with it. I went from a self conscious social outcast, to someone is still a total outcast but I can socialize with others now and I feel quite good about myself, even self confident. Even 180 days of school days and about 9 months of school year seems like it would go slowly, it hasn't. This year has gone by so fast that it's simply crazy.

     In terms of academic changes, I have lost some of my momentum to reach my goals. But I also have improved in areas as well. Such as English. This year I have gone from barely being able to articulate my thoughts in writing to being able to write four blog posts in a single night. All though that might not sound like much, it is to me.  My whole life english has been my worst subject and a major struggle for me. So my english teacher must be doing something right. Thanks Mr. Parker! As for as my other subjects they have stayed the same. Math and Science are still my two best subjects and History is
getting harder every year. But you know what they say, "hard work, pays off". Band is getting better and better every year and is now more fun than ever. I can't stop looking forward to marching band this summer!

    This year has been a year that has allowed me to feel better about myself. I owe so much to my friends because they have supported me the whole way! I feel like i'm about to be free. (I hope that didn't sound like a hippie). Well anyways I hope you all had an awesome school year so far!

Spring Time Flowers

It is spring time, the time of year that represents, new growth and regeneration. Spring time is a beautiful time of year with many blooming flowers and budding trees. Some of my favorite flowers are:

3) Boat orchids- Boat orchids are stunning and subtle flowers. Everyone knows what a orchid looks like, but boat orchids are different. They are not quite the same as their popular cousins. Much like people normal orchids are like stereotypes. Boat orchids are different like real people. They grow in different ways and are differnt colors naturally.

Pic Credited to Google Plus
2) Sakura trees- Sakura trees (a.k.a cherry blossom trees) are beautiful trees. Every year in spring they explode in thousands of little pink blossoms. When the petals of these flowers end up falling down to ground, they fall slowly, like snow. The petals fall together and slowly separate and go their own separate ways. Falling cherry blossoms are a beautiful metaphor for people and the journey of life.

1) Lilies - Lilies are my all time favorite flowers. They are be bigish  and come in many different colors and patterns.  The lily can be found all over the world and are a relatively hardy plant.  To me the lily represents beauty and strength.  

Flowers can be used to represent many different things and people. Just like flowers ever person is beautiful in there own way.  Comment your favorite flower and why it's your favorite.

BBQ time of year

Its nearly that time of year again. The time of year where there is no school, and the only worry you have is teenage drama and what you're going to do this week. I'm talking about summer. The warm time of year when you don't have to worry about multiple feet of snow and below freezing temperatures. During the summer there are so many fun things to do, but I'm only going to mention a few of my favorites. Not in any particular order.

Journey and Steve Miller Band Concert 2014
Pic credited to me
1) Cliff Jumping/Diving - Summer the only time of the year where you can go to any cliff lined lake or reservoir such as, Lake Powell or Flaming Gorge, and go Cliff Jumping. This is one of my absolute favorite things to do ever. There is such a thrill of a dropping 70ft in to a body of water or diving off a 30ft cliff. Words just can not explain the thrill.
2) Marching Band - This is an activity that only appeals to a smaller group of people. Not everyone finds enjoyment and fun from marching for long period of time in hot weather. Though for the people who do, this is one of the best things to ever happen to us. Music combined with being outside and exercise is truly wonderful. But probably for most of you readers band isn't your thing.

3) BBQs - BBQs are a fun social event where you can see friends that are both old and new. These summer parties are always fun, especially when you throw fireworks into the mix. Plus there is always great food and fun.

    These are just some of my favorite summer activities. There is so much to do in summer and so much fun to be had. Summer is for fun and fun is always. My only wish is that I could ski during the summer. I look forward to seeing some of you guys out in the summer weather this year!

Mother's Day

    Happy Mothers Day!! Normally for Mother's Day I'd just make breakfast and clean the house. But because of the 'rocky road' of a year my mom and I have had. I decided to do something a little more special. We have had this old rusty milk can just sitting in our garage for years. My mom has been talking about turning it into some kind of planter, for as long as I can remember. So this year I made that idea come true.
Picture credited to me!

 This project took me about 12 hours to make but it was worth it. I sanded down the milk can for about 5-6 hours. There was so much rust that I actually had to weld to new piece metal to the can when I was sanding. After this whole sanding process it was time to decorate. After 3 cans of spray paint and some stencils, I was finished. I had a lot of fun working on this project and the reaction on my mother's face this morning was priceless. Now the only thing left to do is have her pick out a plant or two and plant them in the top.

    I love my mother so much. Even though her and I don't have the best of relationships. We try and that's what matters. To never stop trying is what keeps us from fighting 24-7. So no matter the relationship you have with your mother wish her a Happy Mother's Day. Happy Mother's Day!