Thursday, October 23, 2014

Quotes, Sayings and Little Blurbs!

Quotes, sayings and little blurbs have a way of helping me out of my sad times, calm me with I feel like im going to burst. This is a list of my top 7 quotes, sayings and little blurbs and the reasons why these became my favorites! In no particular order.

Inline image 1
Picture Credited to amazonaws
In my life it feels like my parents are always not letting going to someone's house or trying to get in to my business. I know that they do this because they love me but when you have no siblings and four parents (Mom, Dad, Step-Mom, Step-Dad) this can get very stressful and like they don't trust you completely (Which I have issues with people not trusting it me.) It's very hard to deal with so this "blurb" is very easy to understand.


Picture Credited to nattstadcdnThis one once again plays on to the parent thing.
"Abby, Clean your room!" 
I have a VERY messy room and sorry but I don't enjoy cleaning.

"I'm going to change the internet password if you don't get off the computer right now!" 
Listening to music and watching shows online are two very large parts of my life that keep me getting up in the morning. So being online is a big thing for me.

"Who you texting? Is it a boy? Let me read." 
No. It's my life. It's not like there's bad stuff on my phone it's just I like my privacy. So what if it's a boy. It's not like we're dating. He is just a friend.  No, I don't like him like that.

And yes I am crazy about one guy and I know that there is no way he feeling even remotely the same. But thats not going to stop me.

Picture Credited to galleryhip

People make excuses for when they make a mistake or at least when they think that they made a mistake, myself included! So when it read this it reminds me to be honest to myself and there are no excuses when it comes to what I did because I was just being myself. Myself may not be perfect but this is who I am.


Im a lot of things and I am a likable person to most people. But some people really don't like me. So this reminds that I can't be liked by everyone so not to act like someone else just to please them.


Picture Credited to Smart Loving

It's true "Only in the darkness can you see the stars." ~Martin Luther King Jr. There will be dark days ahead but though the darkness I'll be able to see what truly matters if I don't already see it now.


It's true I do want to be your favorite hello and your hardest goodbye.  I want to find this person in my life who I will never forget and who will never forget me. Is that to much to ask?

Picture Credited to Big Commerce
When I read this for the first time I cried. At that time I was about to "hopefully" give up on something that I had held close to my heart for years and had forced myself to keep trying to let it go over and over agian, but I never could completely. So I cried because I felt like for the first time in my life I had permission to chase after this "something" that I had tried so hard to throw away and forget about.  I love this 'blurb' so much because it gave me something that I could have never thought possible. Im still chasing after this "something" and I won't give up. I love this "something" very much.

So these 'blurbs' have giving me little pieces of my sanity back to me, when I didn't even know that I had lost them.  So what helps you?

What is sugary, sweet, and scrumptious?

SWEETS!!! Yummy, candy and cakes. I love to cook desserts, everything from caramels and lollipops to cakes and cobbler. Im going to show some of my favorite recipes, such as homemade lollipops and peach cobbler. Be warned These recipes are very very yummy and bad for you you!!
These are not my recipes! I found them on the internet!
Picture credited to Food Network
So lets start with Peach Cobbler recipe:

4 cups of peeled, sliced peaches

2 cups of sugar divided

1/2 cup of water

8 tablespoons of butter (2 sticks)

1 1/2 cups of self-rising flour (not normal flour)

1 1/2 cups milk

Ground cinnamon

Ok lets get started on cooking this bad boy.
 1. Preheat oven to 350º F

 2. Combine peaches, 1 cup of sugar, and water in a saucepan. Mix well. Bring to boil, let simmer for 10 minutes. take off heat

 3. Put butter in a 3-quart baking dish (You can use other sizes but nothing smaller than 3-quart) place in the oven.

 4. Mix remaining ingredients sugar, flour and milk. Mix milk in slowly to prevent clumping. Pour mixture over the butter. Do not mix. Spoon fruit on top, gently pour syrup on top. Sprinkle cinnamon on top. Bake for 30-45 minutes

 5. Serve with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream

I absolutely love this recipe because it has much personality in that is sweet but not overwhelmingly and just the perfect balance of fruits, bread and sweet yummyness.


 Do you like lollipops? Because lollipops are one of the easiest candies to make and very fun and tasty!

Picture credited to Myself!
So lets start by getting our ingredients together.

So you're going to need:

2 cups sugar

2/3 corn syrup
3/4 cups water

Food coloring


Lets start cooking

1. Start by lightly greasing a baking sheet or cookie sheet and getting a bunch of toothpicks

2. In a large saucepan put your sugar, water, and corn syrup. Mix well.

3. On medium high heat cook the mixture in till on your candy till it reaches 310º F on your candy thermometer. Stir often.

4. Add flavoring and food coloring till it's how you like it.

5. Take off heat. Put spoonfuls on the baking sheet quickly! Place toothpicks in candy.

6. Let cool. They will cool very quickly.

7. Enjoy

This is a real easy recipe that doesn't require much effort. and is great for a simple sweet treat.

I love to cook no matter what it is. So I hope you enjoy these recipes!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

You know you're in Love when you can't fall Asleep because Reality is finally better than your Dreams!

Oh the wonders of being a teenage girl... (hand on head)

What do most teenage girls dream and daydream about? I'll give you a hint it's the most simple and the most complicated item/idea ever created or thought of?     It's True Love or just Love. 

"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams!" ~Dr. Seuss

You really want to find "love" well just keep on wishing because we are teenagers! And finding that would just make everything to serious right? Well all I know is that "Girls Just Want To Have Fun, Ohh, Girls just wanna have fun" (I bet you just sung that song). Love is overrated. But Oh that feeling when your heart starts beating fast and you get that pain in your chest like someone has your heart in their hand. I love that feeling even though it hurts. What do you do when you get that feeling? Because I still don't know how to deal with it! I guess just eat ice cream or flaming hot cheetos. Food is the answer to everything. Most of the time I try to focus on a show or music or somthing of that sort, to get my mind off the subject. The other half I let myself become taken over by the feeling and daydream about could happen... (Not like that). I guess you could say that I'm a romantic!

Picture Credited to The Music Circus

Finding my highschool sweetheart, wondering who I will marry one day. All of these thoughts that run though my head and possibly though my heart. All of my drawings and little notes to myself. I am love stuck by someone, I'm not completely sure who yet though. Oh I am an lovestruck Idiot, But I'm happy with who I am and I'm always going to be this way! Oh being a teenager sucks.  Please Comment if you feel this way too!!