Thursday, January 8, 2015

Shhhhhh! Here is a little secret!

We all have a little something that we don't let many people know about. Sometimes we hide our secret because we are embarrassed, scared that people will think differently about us, or will that others judge us. I know that everyone has something like this, myself included.
   So I have three things that I could tell you all but I'm only going to tell you about one. This secret is something that a lot of people misjudge so I am a little nervous. Ok, Ready? I love Anime. For those of you out there that don't know what anime is, anime is an Asian animated show. In America we would call them cartoons, but that really doesn't give anime justice.
Picture credited to Google Plus
   In places like Japan and China anime is just as popular as "Once Upon a Time" or "The Walking Dead" are in America. Every major television channel has at least one anime and is usually on primetime T.V (The time of day when the most popular of shows are aired.) Anime is a very broad term it is like saying 'Books'. There are many different genres but Sci-Fi is by far the most popular.
     We have all heard of Pokemon right? Well Pokemon is an Japanese anime geared towards children. Most animes are meant for adults to teenagers and include more mature subjects. Don't Judge!

So what I am trying to say is that we all have things that we don't want people to know that we like or do. But these things are also a part of who we are so let the world know who you are!! Feel free to coment about what you love to do that most probably won't know! We don't judge here!

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