Monday, March 23, 2015

Apologize... Why would I ever want to do something as crazy as that?

First of all, I'm going to apologize to all of those who happen to read this odd little place for my ramblings for my absence. And second of all for anyone who happens to need to an apology. An apology to be given or received from anyone or to anyone.

     Why, you may ask am I talking about apologies? To answer that question I must ask another. Why do we feel the need to apologize or to be apologized to? All people feel on a different level. Some may choose to feel with their heart or soul, while other choose to take a much more logical route to emotion. But for many we can't choose how, when, or why we feel.

Pic credit to Golden Gate Park
      In my life I have many people to apologize to and many people whom owe me an apology. But in our lives there will only be one person that an apology will ever mean the most to and that is yourself. Because only you can ever be you. Your memoir is still being written and you can still forgive yourself. Our choices don't define who you are it is the choices you make afterward and afterward in an infinite loop of choices.

      There are will always be moments in your life to regret and moments to cherish and sometimes they will be one in the same. Im not telling you to be perfect or strong or even to always be true. I'm telling you and myself that we can forgive ourselves for when we aren't strong and can't make the choices that we might have wanted to. To apologize is to forgive. And forgiving isn't always easy but it is possible.

     So I apologize to myself for all I have done in the past and to all of those around me. So I ask you to forgive yourself and move on from whatever might be holding you back. Do whatever you may need, but live in a way that will make you the happiest. So take this apology and apologize to someone and forgive someone else. So why would I apologize? So that I could leave all the crap behind and move forward.

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